Apr 30, 2009
The key to life...
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life."
Apr 29, 2009
Happy Nappy...
Labels: info, life, the nap song
Apr 28, 2009
Apr 25, 2009
Just gotta be me...

That's how I feel a lot of days. Like a red umbrella. Would it be easier to be another black umbrella with things I think & do? Maybe. Could I do it? No way, dude.
Labels: life, random thoughts
Apr 22, 2009
Apr 21, 2009
Tater tale...
We also haven't been grocery shopping for awhile, and since we buy a lot of fresh stuff, we never have much food on hand. Around 1:30pm, I was hungry, so I decided to make myself a couple of baked potatoes in the microwave.
But, once I'd cooked the taters, I realized that we were out of our vegan butter. Crap. But since I'd already put SO much effort into washing off the potatoes and putting them in the microwave (exhausting!!!), I wasn't turning back!!! :)
So I used tobasco, salt, and dill.
I know. Sounds gourmet. I'm resourceful. Carl wasn't pleased with my meal choice when I told him, so he brought me home some DELICIOUS mexican takeout. yummmm...
The end.
Labels: day job, life, vegetarian food
Apr 20, 2009
Apr 17, 2009
Funny Folk...
One of my favorite jokes was when Ramin said something like, "I was eating at Hooters the other day when the Hootress came up and asked, 'does everything taste ok?' and I said, wow that's exactly how it tastes.".

Apr 13, 2009
Apr 12, 2009
Dirty Laundry...
I got a 6 night a week gig when I was 18 that allowed me to save up enough money to buy a vehicle and get my first apartment, because my parents, though able, refused to help me in the slightest financially. My mother would have, but my father was adamant that I do it on my own. He didn't want me to move out because he wanted me to live at home forever, so he made it as hard on me as possible. It's a very strange fantasy that he had. My brother, Matt, who is turning 30 this year, still lives at home and has never had a real job. You can imagine how that's worked out for him.
My dad & I argued all the time before I left, resulting in him angrily slapping me across the face at one point. I talked to a counselor and shared what my home life was like and she urged me to leave as soon as I possibly could. That's all I needed to hear! I haven't been "home" since.
After I left, my dad directed his anger towards Carl for "taking me away", even threatening to kill him if he ever stepped foot on his property. Carl's never been anything but wonderful to me, he's everything a father-in-law should be proud of!
I haven't been able to have a relationship with my dad for about 8 years now due to him sending me mile-long hateful emails telling me what a horrible person I am, calling me things like "shameful & pathetic" and "an ungrateful brat, at best", so I finally had to break off all contact. For my own sanity.
Even after being chided by him for so many years, I know the things he said aren't true. IMHO, most parents would be glad to have me as their daughter.
His last series of insane emails contained dozens of photos of young girls he's "dating". All of them appeared to be around my age or younger (he's 66) and to this he said, "My thinking is this. Matt gives me everything I need or want, except for sex. So I won't marry unless she thrills me every time I look at her."
I am incredibly lucky to have a husband that loves me unconditionally. Who supports me and believes in me. I always wanted that from my family and still do, but have accepted that it won't happen.
So I've learned to fully appreciate friends who accept me as I am and live my life with a full heart and an open mind.
Apr 11, 2009
ATXcellent Adventure...
If you can come up with all 12 answers, I'll give or make you something! I'll let you know that all of these are fairly close or in downtown Austin, since we were on foot.
1. On the shores of the Colorado, there's a fungus among us.
2. Between 9 & 10, West end swingers park it here.
3. Need some thule? How about some marmot? From sea to summit, your vacation starts here.
4. The best friend you've never met can be found near the start of this adventure.
5. You could search the whole world over and not find another place where a wall of green grows beneath the ice.
6. Wendy, John, and Michael have run off to play with their favorite friend - can you help Nana find them?
7. If you have a crush on a sweetie, you may be able to catch them here.
8. Near Hut's, but far better than the other Hut.
9. Move over Eve & Jill, these guys are riding tandem towards the springs.
10. Spring to the front of the line, this little choo-choo is waiting for you!
11. Over the last 500 years, I've seen tribes gathered, promises made and broken, and tasted the bitterness of unrequited love.
12. The train leaves the station at noon - hurry back for your final challenge!
Labels: downtown, exercise, life, volunteering
The American Way...
"There's a fat lady here that was talking on the phone with someone about meat pie. Now she's drinking a Coke which she poured in her Sonic cup that she just finished."
Why are Americans obese?? I told him I was totally jealous that I couldn't be there.
Labels: healthy living, life
Apr 10, 2009
My Grandma...
11/10/1921 - 04/04/2009
Mabel Marie Eaton Schaack, 87, of Woodburn, died Saturday, April 4, 2009 in Woodburn, Oregon. Born November 10, 1921 in Sykeston, ND on the family farm. She attended college in Jamestown, ND and began a long teaching career, starting in a one room schoolhouse in her hometown.
She was married to Francis William Schaack on Sept. 17, 1945 in Sykeston and relocated to Woodburn, Oregon in 1952 where they raised 6 children. She taught in the Woodburn School District for over 25 years before retiring in 1984. She spent her life learning and teaching, earning her teaching certificate in 1940, her Bachelor’s Degree in 1965, and a Master’s in Special Education in 1977.
Survivors include: Mary Thacker of Woodburn, Catherine Reinhart of Clackamas, Susan Baldwin of Everton, MO, Angela Robles of Woodburn and Barbara Poitras of Silverton, 12 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren, 2 great, great grandchildren, 4 sisters, and 1 brother.
She was preceded in death by her husband and daughter, Jane Haynes.

Apr 4, 2009
Houston, we have a concert...
How sweet...
First of all, have those glasses EVER been stylish? No. They weren't appropriate on the kid from A Christmas Story and they're not acceptable now.
Secondly, what the hell are they eating?? It looks like a huge creepy piece of Mickey Mouse chocolate, the size of the child's noggin, stuck to a rice krispie treat. On a stick. Hello diabetes!!

Apr 1, 2009
In the Boondocks...
Naturally, they were serving BBQ. And I was sitting by myself while the band played, so EVERY server in the joint offered me a plate. When the first guy offered, I politely declined, explaining I'm a vegetarian. I have never seen such a disgusted look! I felt like I told him I was a child molester or something.
Only in Texas do they serve pickles & onions as a side dish:
I tried to ride the hay bale, but it wasn't in the mood.
As soon as they were done playing, we got the hell out of dodge. The one gas station in town was closed, so we started to make our way back to civilization. Our gas light was on the whole time and it made me realize that it has been a long time since I lived out far enough where there's a good possibility that you could run out of gas before coming across the next service station!
When we finally found a Texaco, I was pretty excited to see huge pallets of "Deer Corn" for sale at every pump:
Thank you, Austin, for being the only livable city in Texas. :)