Tater tale...
We also haven't been grocery shopping for awhile, and since we buy a lot of fresh stuff, we never have much food on hand. Around 1:30pm, I was hungry, so I decided to make myself a couple of baked potatoes in the microwave.
But, once I'd cooked the taters, I realized that we were out of our vegan butter. Crap. But since I'd already put SO much effort into washing off the potatoes and putting them in the microwave (exhausting!!!), I wasn't turning back!!! :)
So I used tobasco, salt, and dill.
I know. Sounds gourmet. I'm resourceful. Carl wasn't pleased with my meal choice when I told him, so he brought me home some DELICIOUS mexican takeout. yummmm...
The end.
Labels: day job, life, vegetarian food
At April 21, 2009 at 11:10 PM ,
Lynsey Mattingly said...
This is really good info you have hear. I am not a fan of the potato, baked or otherwise, but if I was, I would try your new recipe. :) I have to go practice something I am working on. I know you understand. The end. :)
At April 27, 2009 at 12:08 AM ,
Beth Miner said...
THIS potato will change your mind!!! Trust me.
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