How sweet...
First of all, have those glasses EVER been stylish? No. They weren't appropriate on the kid from A Christmas Story and they're not acceptable now.
Secondly, what the hell are they eating?? It looks like a huge creepy piece of Mickey Mouse chocolate, the size of the child's noggin, stuck to a rice krispie treat. On a stick. Hello diabetes!!

At April 4, 2009 at 9:21 PM ,
Carl Miner said...
Aside from being disgusting, it looks like a pain in the ass to eat.
I imagine it going something like this:
You would most likely start with eating the ear, right?. Who wouldn't. BUT, It's a trap! Because I have no doubt that once you took a bite of that ear, the leverage applied would likely cause the rest of the chocolate Mickey head to become loose and unattached from the rice krispy treat. Sure, you would try and save it with a quick catch, but chances are you would fumble with it for a few pathetic seconds in mid-air before it finally reaches it's destination in the dirt. At which point you would be left with a very lame, mickey-shaped rice krispy treat.
You would begrudgingly eat the remainder of the treat, all the while complaining about the lack of mouse-shaped chocolate on it. Even though, best case scenario, you manage to hang on to the chocolate part, you would remark on how "low quality" the chocolate really is.
Does anyone really enjoy white chocolate?
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