I love art of any medium that makes me ponder. Carl found the following posters on another designer's website and we were both moved. The wording might be a little small for you to read, so I'll type out what each one says below it.
Please take a moment to really think about each one...

In this country, your health is a business. Medications are products, the cost of treatment makes the world go 'round. Do your research and consider long-term, holistic alternatives. Don't become one of the mindlessly medicated.

Gas is expensive. You are probably fat (or at least out of shape). Consider modes of alternative transportation; better for you, better for the environment, and better for your wallet.

Developments of cookie-cutter homes are replacing grassy fields and apple orchards everywhere. Urbanization is choking out nature and our historical roots. Break the pattern: plant a tree.
Outside-the-box thinking like that really makes me realize how I fall short of who I want to be and what I want to do. I'm on a constant mission to educate myself about improving myself and my health, naturally. And I need to be more open about sharing my findings.
We are followers in this country. And we've become completely blind to what we're doing to our bodies. You really have to become a fanatic to live a healthy lifestyle!! You can't depend on big business to tell you what is good for you and what's not. They're all motivated by money, so they'll label their products with what makes you buy it. And it works! They print things like "low-fat" and "whole grain" that trick uneducated people into thinking it's wholesome. Don't be a fool.
To quote
Jack LaLanne, "if man made it, don't eat it". I don't buy products unless I know what every ingredient is AND they have to be things that exist naturally. You have to discipline yourself to do this because the crap Americans consume daily will kill you. It really is no wonder that cancer and disease are so rampant! Look at what we're feeding ourselves!! Seriously, look at the ingredients on the boxes in your cupboard. Carl used this analogy the other day; "There are certain types of food that our bodies were created to handle. It's like pouring concrete into a breadmaker. If you put the wrong ingredients in, eventually it will seize up."
Though it's great to see so many organizations searching for the "cure" to cancer, why are there so few people dedicated to the prevention of disease? Or to the improvement of consumption? I bet the vast majority of Americans would rather pop a pharmaceutical down their gullet to challenge a medical problem than to change their eating/living habits and seek out a holistic treatment.
Think about it. Don't feel offended by my musings...it's all for your own good! Let it motivate and fire you up!! You have complete control over your health, your diet and your future.
Labels: healthy living, homeopathic remedies, life, nature, rant, vegetarian food