Carl played some original instrumental music for a Men's Breakfast early this morning and they said I could go, too! Everybody was super nice and they offered up 5 different dishes made of swine. I opted for a muffin & banana. ;) Carl did an amazing job and even earned a standing-o at the end! I'm so proud.
We've been meaning to go to the library down the street to get some new reading material for our noggins. I saw about 50 books I wanted to check out, but I settled on these:
1. Fight Back with Food (using nutrition to heal)
-always wanting to learn more about this topic.
2. Eye Witness History (first hand accounts of history)
-looks potentially interesting.
3. The Power of Arrogance (the secret world of Richard Nixon)
-i was reading paul newman's biography today since he just passed, and it said that he was on nixon's "enemies list". this intrigued me, so i thought i'd find out more on the topic.
4. Dude, Where's My Country? (by Michael Moore)
-we just watched "sicko" last week and it was very thought provoking.
Since we had to get up at 6am, we came home, cleaned the place up a bit and then laid down for a power nap. Then our buddies Ben & Omarr came over for a worship team practice. Good peepo.
After that, we were hungry, so we went to our current favorite restaurant, Blue Dahlia Bistro and dined on the garden patio. I had a mesclun greens salad with tomatoes, cucumber, white cheddar, avocado, and vegan basil pesto and Carl had the hummus/avocado/tomato tartine (open-face sammich) on their homemade wheat bread. We followed up with the "Le Dahlia Bleu" for dessert...vanilla ice cream with chopped mint leaves and some sort of red wine poured over it. Delish & romantic. :)

Labels: books, life, vegetarian food
At September 29, 2008 at 8:34 PM ,
Lynsey Mattingly said...
Oh man! Why didn't you take me there for romantic dinner??? It looks yummy...can I add chicken? :)
You reading list makes you look all smart and stuff....maybe too smart for me. I gotta go--I have the new People Magazine and I need to find out more about Clay being gay. :)
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