The Great Cookie Crusade...
We picked out 5 people that helped with the CD Release Party and baked cookies for them, then showed up at their houses unannounced and snapped a photo with them when they opened the door. I yelled "you've been cookied!!!" and then handed them the sign to hold.
Becky Perez was in charge of refreshments at the party:
John Church was one of your greeters:
Michelle poured the Jesus Juice, seen here with my boyfriend Nicolas:
Michael videotaped and took some pics:
And Ben was another greeter. He wasn't home today when we dropped by, so I'm just really really glad that his car alarm wasn't set, because I left the cookies on his seat. This might've been hard to explain to the cops:
There are many other people to thank and no one is safe from a cookie ambush!!!
Labels: cd release party, cookies, friends, happiness
At September 21, 2008 at 9:39 PM ,
Unknown said...
Idea was GENIUS! You guys are awesome... loved the cookies!!!
At September 21, 2008 at 10:55 PM ,
Carl Miner said...
I'm a little concerned about the dark spot on the truck seat. Maybe we should have put the cookies on the dashboard.
At September 22, 2008 at 11:55 AM ,
Anonymous said...
fabulous! i love these crazy ideas - you should act on them all!!
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