
May 30, 2008

These melt my heart...

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Dance, Billy Elliott! Dance!

Carl and Diego "Riverdanced" for me today at the office. It's a good life.

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May 29, 2008

King of the Quotes...

I enjoy King of the Hill. Not as much as Carl does, but enjoy them I do. This is one of my favorite lines from an episode. It's Hank's grumpy old dad, Cotton, talking to Peggy (whom he degradingly refers to as "Hank's wife").

COTTON: "That's enough, Hank's wife. If you got any more feelin's to express, get in the kitchen and put 'em in a bundt cake!"

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May 28, 2008

Potty Hotties...

There used to be two obese women that worked in the office next door and since they left, the women's restroom has gone from needing industrial air freshener to clean & pleasant. I guess the saying "what goes in is what comes out" is true...

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May 27, 2008


I saw this billboard today. Makes you think!

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The Struggle...

I went to Brooke White's Myspace page today and there were several blogs that she had written long before American Idol. And I broke down in tears because she was writing exactly how I feel.

This music biz has been my nemesis and best friend since I was 14...there's nothing I love more and there's nothing more frightening than trying to make this happen. I am overwhelmingly grateful for everyone that supports this little girl with a big dream, and I am incredibly blessed to be able to do something daily that I am passionate about. I know this now, but...

Last year, when I had my "quarterlife crisis", I really questioned why I'm pursuing this career. My poor husband had a depressed wife for about 6 months. He certainly didn't deserve that and I didn't deserve to be giving my all for something that was breaking my fragile heart.

Here is a song I wrote when I was struggling with my emotions:

These lyrics pretty much sum everything up:

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Clothes Before Hoes (no gardening for me)

When I woke up this morning, I had this email in my inbox from my husby (sent after I had lost my battle with consciousness):

Hi Baby...

I hope you're having the sweetest dreams right now! I saw this website, and all the clothes totally reminded me of you. You should check them out!
I love you!!!

And my baby know style cuz those clothes are HOT. Santa should fill my closet with them for Christmas.

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Do you know how I know you're gay?

I came back to the office from a lunch date and Carl was blasting Clay Aiken, Tina Arena, and Celine Dion...

And I immediately started singing along. Our guilty pleasure pop music!!! I love it.

Don't judge, everybody has some...what's yours?

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May 22, 2008

My Guitar Hero...

As previously mentioned, my sweetheart won the TX State Guitar Championship last weekend! He brought home a Gibson Advanced Jumbo guitar and a trophy that I can only describe as being straight out of the Hannah Montana collection. I asked him if he stopped by Libby Lu's on the way home...

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May 19, 2008

Bursting My Buttons...

My darlin' Husby won the Texas State Guitar Championship on Saturday!! I'm so proud. :) I'll post more details soon...

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May 16, 2008

Sage Advice...

I commented on someone else's Myspace blog about why they are still single. They seemed to be taking the stance that it would be a negative thing to be in a relationship. Here is my response, it might apply to other people, too. :)

"No one knows how love will affect them until they find it. And once you have a taste of the real deal, you'll be addicted. It will make you want to give all of yourself for that other person and lose sight of selfishness. And a true life-partner will do nothing but enhance all of the fun that you're already having in your life! So don't fear finding it because you think it will be a burden. I believe that God sends the right person into your life when your heart has been prepared. Everyone needs to become the person that their dream mate would want to be with!"

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Sing to me, Alison...

The song on this commercial makes me feel like I'm in a dream...

(It's called "Killing the Blues" by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss)

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I heart PBS...

I just watched the best documentary last night..."Sandwiches That You Will Like". We don't have cable, so we watch a lot of public television and I freakin' love it! The programs produced by a guy named Rick Sebak are the best. I recommend "Unusual Buildings & Other Roadside Stuff" and "An Ice Cream Show". The people that he interviews are completely out of this world hilarious, though they're being serious about everything say. It's like if reality tv shows weren't edited and scripted to the point of losing track of what's real.

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I work downtown and get to see plenty of awesome bum action. I went to move my car one day and a bum said to me "you look good enough to eat". I almost said thank you until I realized that he probably either meant it sexually or maybe he was just really really hungry. Either way, pepper spray is my friend.

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May 15, 2008

Quote of the Day...

"But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?"
-Albert Camus

How completely true is that? When you're leading a life of integrity and doing something you love, happiness will always follow you. If you haven't been Little Ms./Mr. Sunshine lately, maybe you should take a closer look at the type of living you're bringing to your short span on earth. I'm a firm believer that the only way to be truly content is to be doing something you're passionate about! If you can lead the passion parade, all of the troubles in your life will disappear or at least be easier to deal with. And if you add integrity to the mix, life will be lemonade in July.

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Every time I see this commercial, I really really really want to go rollerskating! We tried iceskating about a year ago...that didn't work out so well. But rollerskates have 4 wheels (just so you know), and I think that would help me feel like I'm not going to fall over and break some important body part.

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A bit of political humor...

Please note that I don't have much of an interest in politics (although this year has been more interesting than most), but one of my friends from high-school posted this in his blog on Myspace and I found it humorous:

"I really don't want Hillary Clinton to be our next president. Every time I hear her voice, all I can think of is Rosanne Barr singing the national anthem. It's just THAT repulsive."

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May 14, 2008

My day job...

Idol Top 3

Syesha kept irritating me during her interview segments. What is it about her? I did think she out-sang David Cook tonight. Cookie was all over the place with his pitch. And is it just me, or does he always seem a little melancholy? If I were a voting kind of gal, I'd go for Archuleta. Plus I'm sure his Dad will make some good drama in the future. I'm pretty sure that's a prerequisite for young stars must have the full package: talent, good hair, and crazy parents.

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Just a Tip...

Does tipping confuse anyone else? Perhaps if I were independently wealthy, it wouldn't be a problem. I'd just hand out a few extra bucks left & right like a desperate dude at a stripclub. But if I don't know for sure that I'm supposed to tip someone, I try to avoid it.

This topic arose when I ordered a meal from a food delivery service, which was delivered by one of the chefs. When he walked in, my first thought was "oh crap, I don't have any spare cash on me", as I had accidentally left my mad money in my pants the night before and they were currently hot-tubbing in the Kenmore.

So what was my solution?

My strategy in these situations is to be extra-friendly and appreciative so that maybe the person either won't notice or won't care that I don't lay out the big green. Does it work? I don't honestly know. I'm too busy working it.


And another thought on this topic. When I met my Husband, he impressed me by being an excellent tipper at restaurants. But sometimes it just seems odd to me. Like when we went for late night pancakes at Kerbey Lane and our waitress was HORRIBLE. Rude & inattentive. What else is she there for? But my generous gent tipped her 50% because she seemed to be "having a bad day". And no, she wasn't hot. This act of kindness didn't warm my heart like selfless giving normally does. It actually ticked me off. I was like "you tip based on SERVICE", not on how it will make the person feel inside. I'm sure an extra $5 won't change their life. But it will make your wife question your motive.

And that is my rant on tipping.

Ok, one more you tip valet when they take your car or just when they bring it back?

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