
Jul 22, 2009

Making an entrance...

I can't even tell you how much this pleases me! I teared up watching it...makes me want to get married all over again. :)

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Jul 20, 2009

Hello Neighbor...

“What makes the difference between wishing and realizing our wishes? Lots of things, and it may take months or years for wish to come true, but it's far more likely to happen when you care so much about a wish that you'll do all you can to make it happen.”

-Fred Rogers (Mister Rogers' Neighborhood)

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Jul 13, 2009

Here I go...

We are moving to Nashville sometime next year.

I'm so luckily married to a boy who whole-heartedly believes that success will come once you're good enough. That if you work at your craft, constantly learning and improving, eventually people will be drawn to you instead of always searching for anyone that gives a damn. That thought process can either discourage or inspire. I'm embracing it. I've been really out of touch with people lately because I'm trying to put all my energy into preparing for Nashville. It's a city where people go when they figure out they're too good to chase their dreams in a small town. I don't know if that applies to me yet, but I feel like I need to be around other people that want the same things I do. A little healthy competition, a little camaraderie, other artists that understand this sometimes helpless feeling.

I know I have to be ready, because once we move, my chances will be better to run into someone who can do something with my little ditties. I have to be at the top of my game with my singing, my writing, my look, everything.

After we work a full day at the office, I've been coming home and studying songwriting books, listening to mentoring sessions, getting to know who the writers are in Nashtown, and actually attempting to craft better songs than I've ever written. Catchier hooklines, better melodies, clearer lyrics. Staying up until midnight lost in my thoughts and big dreams. I'm determined to be really proud of the tunes I pack with me when we move on down the road. I think people will actually like me, as a singer, better with these new demos. Even though I've been writing them with the intent of getting them published for other artists to record. I just think they're better songs overall, which makes me a stronger artist.

I'm scared. I'm excited. I get misty every time I think about it. Is it possible to cry a blend of frightened and happy tears?

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Jul 9, 2009

A little pat on the back...

I received this message after my last newsletter went out:


Your updates are always so welcome. THANKS!
We had the privilege of hearing you & Cute Carl at the Ventana del Sol, before your website was up! You are such a sweet & TALENTED couple. Keep your brand....don't let managers or 'friends' push you into a realm that is not you.

I regret that I don't remember meeting this woman, but what a thoughtful note to send!! Because of her, I shall continue wearing pink. :)

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Jul 3, 2009

XO marks the spot...

Today, Carl and I reached a whole new level of closeness. I didn't think it was even possible, but our bodies and souls are more in touch now than ever before...

We are both growing a giant pimple in the same spot on our respective foreheads.

That is what real love does to you.


Jul 1, 2009


After I posted an observation on Facebook last week, a girl suggested that I blog about my suggested Do's and Do Not's. Well, okay then...


A gal that works in the office next to ours told me recently that she just hears me laughing all day long. I didn't know what to say to that at first. I was afraid she was going to say I have an offensive, brash cackle, but instead she said she likes listening to it. :) I hope all of my wrinkles come from merriment!

I learned this the hard way. A plate of tacos and salsa was sitting on the arm of our big red couch, when it was lured into the crevices. Being naive, as tacos often are, it fell head over heels for the couch's empty promises.

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