Food For Thought...
This Kung "POW" Tofu recipe is one of my favorites:
My girl Lynsey commented on my last food posting that she needs to teach me how to take food photos so they look appealing. I do apologize! ;) I don't know WHAT the problem could be! I mean, aside from not being a photographer or a food stylist, I bought our 10lb digital camera like in 1995 for $1100. I kind of wish it would die so we'd be forced to get a new one, but I don't want to be wasteful!
So this "lovely" photo is Tofu Scrambler with onions, topped with fresh avocado. And vegan English Muffins on the side with Earth Balance:
Labels: healthy living, recipe, vegetarian food
At October 12, 2008 at 10:42 PM ,
Lynsey Mattingly said...
Oh my. That looks so.....what's the word I am looking for?.......right. That. :)
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