
May 5, 2009

My 8-legged friend...

Yesterday, I was working from home when I saw something move on the floor. It was one of those big, brown, ugly jumping spiders. It's been a few years since I've seen one. I don't think Texas has them, so we must've brought it home from our trip, maybe in the suitcase or an instrument case.

I leaped up, but it was moving fast, so I looked around the room for something to hit him with (RIP). There was nothing within arms reach, so I turned on the kitchen faucet and used the sprayer on the living room floor.

Unfortunately, that just gave him a shower and he kept on running, so I grabbed a bottle of bathroom cleaner and started dousing him with that while he was on Carl's shoe. He then gave up and let me put him out of his misery.

Carl was amused by the 3' x 3' wet spot in our living room as well as the spider guts on the floor, which I left there in fear that he was just playing dead.

I do NOT miss all of the arachnids in the NW!

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