Some beautiful folks we know recently set up a Care Calendar for a lovely woman who is going through chemo. The calendar allow you to go online and see what days she needs meals or help with various tasks. Then you sign up to fill the needs!
I'm sure there have been times when you know someone going through a rough situation and you wonder how you can help. Well, this is a perfect way to rally the troops and help your brothas and sistas!
We signed up to deliver a meal last week and made soup, salads, rolls, and apple slices with a little organic dark chocolate drizzle. Good stuff for the body.
It's only been in recent years that I've realized the importance of building community. I think it's absolutely essential for personal development to have relationships with people that are beyond the superficial. You wanna go...(sing it with me)...where everybody knows your naaame...and they're always glad you caaame...
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, adults are just older versions of children. You still need that village of people to be there for you in your later years. People that care about you and will help you when you're down. People that will support your ambitions and want to see you succeed.
I'm talking about real connections. Not the kind that happen with going to the club and doing some dry-humping on the dance floor. Community begins when people come together to make sure that every soul is included and accounted for. The strong help the weak. With that being said, to avoid this becoming socialism, each person must be personally responsible for being all they can be. And having a community of people you can look up to can make all the difference in getting up and then staying on your feet. The mark of a truly great man is reflected in his ability to make others feel like they can be great, too.
When building your community of friends, it's important to remember that the personalities you surround yourself with will be hugely influential in your own personal development. So choose wisely! Negativity can bring you down just as happiness and sunshine will brighten your days.
And you can't always just be the child in the village that everyone is tending to...depending on the charity of others to get what you want. You need to be part of the village, a worthwhile member of society. And to be worthy of kindness, you must be willing to give back what you give 10 times over. Earl calls it Karma. Religion threatens with heaven vs. hell. I say just be good for goodness' sake! Spread a little love butter on your toast, then share it. It's good and good for you.
Labels: advice, happiness, healthy living, life, love
At December 11, 2008 at 11:39 PM ,
Carl Miner said...
Wow! What an amazing way to sum-up what "community" is all about. I love the way you look at life! You, my love are a truly great man. Because you inspire me. Wait... that's not right. Crap.
Never the less, you are amazing!
At some point, after you really get to know someone, is it then OK to dry-hump them? Let me know.
At December 12, 2008 at 11:01 AM ,
Lynsey Mattingly said...
Yeah, please let me know on the whole dry-humping thing, because I feel like this maybe means we will not be clubbing and dry-humping when you come out, and I was really looking forward to that. I was even going to wear my Donna Lee jewelry--makes my boobs look bigger. :)
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